The NY Post wastes no time in knocking down the smear.. by putting it on page one.
Funding for The Kenosha Kid is provided through the support of PBS viewers. Major funding for The Kenosha Kid is provided by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park Foundation.
Hi, there,
I'm still catching up with the Blogroll Amnesty Day celebrations. So I'm blogrolling you and requesting a reciproll.
I blog at La Casa de Los Gatos and CultureVultures as ThePoliticalCat. Many thanks.
Is there attire for men that's uniquely Muslim? (Perhaps someone might post the link for Berber GQ.) This immediately reminded me of the Sikh who was shot after 9/11 cuz he wore a turban.
I suppose someone who wears a cowboy hat cain't be skeered a horses, then.
I once wore a beret for a while. Still can't speak French worth a sou.
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