Thursday, December 22, 2005

7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

I've been tagged by Scout Prime as well as Watertiger so I guess I'm busted.

Seven Things To Do Before I Die

1. Go hang-gliding
2. Visit New Zealand
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Get a Royal Flush at video poker
5. Visit Thailand
6. Helicopter skiing at Banff
7. Visit Japan

Seven Things I Cannot Do

1. Sing
2. Find a good job
3. Cook
4. Write as well as Wolcott
5. Be suave
6. Eat soup without slurping
7. Grow hair on the top of my head

Seven Things That Attract Me to...Blogging

1. Place to post pictures
2. Opportunity to annoy NTodd and Eli
3. Something to do
4. Beats sticking needles through my eyes
5. Tons of cash
6. Groupies
7. Fame

Seven Things I Say Most Often

1. What?
2. I don't know
4. me?
5. Dark, one sugar
6. I don't have any spare change
7. No

Seven Books That I Love

1. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
2. Kokoro - Natsume Soseki
3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next - Ken Kesey
4. Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris
5. V. - Thomas Pynchon
6. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
7. Willard & His Bowling Trophies - Richard Brautigan

Seven Movies That I Watch Over and Over Again

1. Casino
2. Apocalypse Now
3. Godfather II
4. On the Waterfront
5. Rumblefish
6. Clockwork Orange
7. Star Wars I

Seven + People I Want To Join In Too

1. Sam
2. Desi
3. Hoffmania
4. Steve Gilliard
5. Atrios
6. River Bend
7. Your name here.


Anonymous said...

rumble fish, huh? good one

Anonymous said...

A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

great book

scout prime said...

Hey sorry about that.
Liked your answers

History Is A Weapon said...

I didn't know you liked Brautigan