Thursday, February 04, 2010

Pakistani ambassador rejected because his name is NSFW in Arabic
Posted By David Kenner Wednesday, February 3, 2010 - 4:48 PM Share

Despite having served for years as a distinguished Pakistani diplomat, Akbar Zeb reportedly cannot receive accreditation as Pakistan's ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The reason, apparently, has nothing to do with his credentials, and everything to do with his name -- which, in Arabic, translates to "biggest dick"


pansypoo said...

i always question if a man shortens richard to dick.

pansypoo said...

oh YEAH?

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pansypoo said...

i am sure nobody had corey haim, did anybody have corey feldman?

pansypoo said...

no jack lalanne? no susanna york?

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Cara H said...

Thannks for the post