Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Between Lebanon, Iraq, a terrorist act in Seattle, and Cuba, Michelle Malkin's head has just about exploded. Every one of the posts on her blog is filled with bile, lies, and venom. To me, this sentence takes the cake:

Yep. The enemy orchestrates mass suicide stunts to play the victim card and inflame its followers. We respond with...more self-flagellation.

Mass suicide... stunts? There's a couple of words that should never go together.

I also find it funny (funny strange, not funny ha ha) that Malkin is so upset over UN buildings being attacked in Lebanon. Hasn't she just spent the last few years "emboldening" that particular act of terrorism?

1 comment:

Eli said...

Mass suicide... stunts? There's a couple of words that should never go together.

Maybe they're committing suicide while jumping over Snake Canyon or something.

(Further proof that the terrorists are Evel)